Together Forever, Samantha & Luke

Just three weeks later, we were privileged to attend the wedding of our third granddaughter, sealed in the Draper Utah Temple by the groom’s grandfather. This family grouping shows fewer than half of the Crocketts and Helzers. The bride and groom had corresponded as they each served their missions (in Brazil and in the Philippines), and now they have returned to college.

A civil ceremony was held in the backyard of the groom. The attendants included sisters and missionary companions, brothers and more missionary companions. The weather was perfect, unlike the rehearsal dinner the night before, when a lightning storm shot the entire party back indoors to enjoy wonderful food and great company. We thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the Crocketts, old and young. Five of our nine children were represented…

After being sealed for eternity in the temple, the happy couple stopped by the bride’s home to grab a slice of pizza and have her father sign the marriage certificate. Then it was time to dash to the wedding reception. There was a receiving line, an ice cream cake, more excellent food, and more energetic dancing by both old and young. A wonderful group of friends managed to decorate for the reception. We were put to work here and there — primarily enjoyed watching the bouquets being assembled until 10 pm on the groom’s deck, the prior evening.

Guests lined the walkway to the “Just Married” car, blowing bubbles as Samantha and Luke passed by. Although they had taken engagement photos in the desert near Moab, we are quite sure they abandoned their wedding finery by the time they reached their honeymoon destination.

In a blink, it seemed we were back on our mission in Missouri. We regularly read the scriptures with six or eight of our members each week, in addition to driving members from five families to their doctor and surgical appointments. At times we wish we had one of these church buses, but we truly enjoy the good people here. Occasionally we can attend the St. Louis Temple, but it would take 4.5 hours each way to tour the new Bentonville Arkansas Temple. Lovely as it is, we will miss seeing it. We are happy to serve in a time and place where we never run out of worthwhile things to do!

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