Did the 2024 General Conference Eclipse the Eclipse?

Near totality in Comfort TX by Annamarie

Once again, many of our family members made the effort to see this rare eclipse — most travelling quite far from their homes. There is simply no substitute for being there in totality as the temperature drops, the birds and animals quiet in confusion, and the 360 degree horizon turns to twilight. Annamarie’s faith was rewarded as the clouds parted, just in time.

Just the day before the eclipse, we were enjoying the 2024 April General Conference (on YouTube), which is broadcast in about seventy languages to members in 170 nations. We feel spiritually fed by this twice-a-year opportunity to listen to prophets and apostles and other general leaders, who preach from the scriptures and from their life experiences. Fifteen of them serve for life, well into old age, while another hundred or so serve until age 70. The women general leaders serve for five years.

Just as each dramatic eclipse features the ultimate contrast of light and darkness, so we prize the uplifting words of these inspired men in contrast to the ugliness and anger of our declining social institutions. I will alternate their insightful words with the eclipse photos:

From our newest apostle, Elder Patrick Kearon: “My friends, my fellow disciples on the road of mortal life, our Father’s beautiful plan, even His ‘fabulous’ plan, is designed to bring you home, not to keep you out. No one has built a roadblock and stationed someone there to turn you around and send you away. In fact, it is the exact opposite. God is in relentless pursuit of you. He ‘wants all of His children to choose to return to Him,’ and He employs every possible measure to bring you back.”

Elder Ulisses Soares:   “I know that when the Lord sees even a spark of desire or a flicker of righteous effort in our willingness to center our lives on Him and on the ordinances and covenants we make in His house, He will bless us, in His perfect way, with the miracles and tender mercies we need.”

Elder Gerritt Gong:  “When we are still, open, and reverent, we may feel the beauty, purpose, and serenity of the covenant belonging the Lord offers. In sacred moments, He may let us glimpse the larger eternal reality of which our daily lives are part, where small and simple things work together for the good of givers and receivers.”

Dan in Longmont CO used filters to maximize his partial eclipse. Glad he planned ahead! His photos far surpass what we could see at 44% totality in Billings MT.

Elder Quentin Cook:  ” We are united by our love of and faith in Jesus Christ and as children of a loving Heavenly Father. The essence of truly belonging is to be one with Christ.”

Elder Dieter Uchtdorf:  “Life is not an endless sequence of emotional highs. “For it must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things.” And if God Himself weeps, as the scriptures affirm He does, then of course you and I will weep as well. Feeling sad is not a sign of failure. In this life, at least, joy and sorrow are inseparable companions. Like all of you, I have felt my share of disappointment, sorrow, sadness, and remorse.”

Elder Paul Pieper: “Notwithstanding God’s trust in us, our relationship with Him will grow only to the degree we are willing to place our trust in Him. The challenge is that we live in a fallen world and have all experienced a betrayal of trust as the result of dishonesty, manipulation, coercion, or other circumstances. Once betrayed, we may struggle to trust again. These negative trust experiences with imperfect mortals may even impact our willingness to trust in a perfect Heavenly Father.”

Liza in Tempe AZ tried multiple ways to show her students the partial eclipse. A fine time was had by all, because they, too, planned ahead.

Elder Jeffrey Holland:    “If there be any time we feel not to pray, we can be sure that hesitancy does not come from God, who yearns to communicate with His children at any and all times.”

Sister Anette Dennis:  “Our Father wants a deeper relationship with all His sons and daughters, but it is our choice. As we choose to draw nearer to Him through a covenant relationship, it allows Him to draw nearer to us and more fully bless us.”

Sister Susan Porter:  “You can pray for help to show Heavenly Father’s love to others. Through His Spirit, Heavenly Father will help you notice someone who is sad so you can comfort them. He can help you show His love by forgiving someone. He can give you courage to serve someone and share with them that they are a child of God.”

Joe flew to Dallas TX, and then carefully watched the forecast to learn where to drive his family, to see in spite of cloudy weather. Thank goodness Ely caught this photo! Without just the right camera, it is pretty hard to photograph the actual eclipse. But they were there, and they will never forget what they saw and felt.

Elder Alexander Dushku    “In time and through ‘great diligence,’ we too can have our own pillar of light—one ray at a time. And in the midst of that pillar, we too will find a loving Heavenly Father calling us by name, pointing us to our Savior, Jesus Christ, and inviting us to ‘Hear Him!’”

 Elder Shayne Bowen   “If you desire the blessings of the priesthood, including miracles and the ministry of angels, I invite you to walk the path of covenants God has made available to each of us.”

Elder Steven Bangerter  “More than any other time in your life, what you do during the private times of your life will have the greatest impact on how you confront challenges and heartache you will face; and what you do during the private times of your life will also have a greater impact on how you confront the successes and joy you will experience than any other time in your life.”

Rachel was on a college tour, but pulled off into the small town of Hazardville CT in 95% totality. She used a medical brace to make shadows, and friendly local folks loaned them eye protection. All these tours have been so illuminating to our graduating senior, about to make her decision about where to attend college.

Elder David Bednar:  ” I promise that as we build the foundation of our lives on the ‘rock’ of Jesus Christ, we can be blessed by the Holy Ghost to receive an individual and spiritual stillness of the soul that enables us to know and remember that God is our Heavenly Father, we are His children, Jesus Christ is our Savior, and we can be blessed to do and overcome hard things.”

President Dallin Oaks: “The endowment ceremonies in the Nauvoo Temple were administered just before our early pioneers were expelled to begin their historic trek to the mountains in the West. We have the testimonies of many pioneers that the power they received from being bound to Christ in their endowments in the Nauvoo Temple gave them the strength to make their epic journey and establish themselves in the West.”

Elder Dale Renlund:  “We become vulnerable when we slow down and especially when we stop. If we maintain spiritual momentum by continually ‘rowing’ toward the Savior, we are safer and more secure because our eternal life depends on our faith in Him.”

Sam and Jen drove to Prince Edward Point National Wildlife Reserve on the north shore of Lake Ontario. We all envy their equipment and expertise — and their good fortune at capturing the moment of totality.

Elder Massimo De Feo:  “Some time ago I asked my wife, ‘Can you tell me why, as far as I remember, we have never had any major problems in our lives?’ She looked at me and said, ‘Sure. I’ll tell you why we have never had any major problems; it’s because you have a very short memory!’ Her quick and smart answer made me realize once again that living the gospel of Jesus Christ does not remove pain and trials, which are necessary to grow.

Elder D. Todd Christofferson: “This is not the branch president’s church. It is the Church of Jesus Christ. We will not allow any man or any hurt or embarrassment or pride to keep us from being together forever. Next Sunday we will go back to church..”

Elder Gary Stevenson:  “Over time, with prayerful and thoughtful planning, rough ideas are refined. New actions become habits. Early drafts become polished blueprints. We build our personal spiritual bridge with hearts and minds devoted to Heavenly Father and His Only Begotten Son as well as to our brothers and sisters with whom we work, play, and live.”

Glen went all the way to New Hampshire, near the Canadian border to catch totality in a clear sky. Amazing how we can feel the chill, as if we were there!

Elder Brian Taylor:  “This phrase ‘swallowed up’ deeply moves me. My interest was heightened when I learned that in Spanish, ‘swallowed up’ is translated as ‘consumed’; in German, as ‘devoured’; and in Chinese, as ‘engulfed.’ Thus, when life’s challenges are most painful and overwhelming, I remember the Lord’s promise—that we “should suffer no manner of afflictions, save it [be] swallowed up [consumed, devoured, and engulfed] in the joy of Christ.”

Elder Taylor Godoy:  “Always think of the Lord as your first option for helpCall, don’t fall. Turn to God in sincere prayer.  After praying, do all you can to obtain the blessings you prayed for.  Humble yourselves to accept the answer in His time and His way.  Don’t stop! Keep moving forward on the covenant path while you wait for an answer.

Elder Neil Anderson: ” In this day of confusion and commotion, I testify that the temple is His holy house and will help preserve us, protect us, and prepare us for the glorious day when, with all His holy angels, our Savior returns in majesty, power, and great glory.”

The total eclipse of the sun is something each one needs to experience, at least once in his lifetime. We remember the necessity of light and heat and ponder the awesomeness of the universe and its creator. Perhaps we are moved to reverent wonder.

However, even more awesome are the words of the prophets and apostles at General Conference, who have prepared prayerfully and sought inspiration from God to deliver timely messages — exactly the guidance and direction we need. If these short quotes do not convince you, then please read or listen to the entire conference at


where you have the added advantage of listening to the associated choir music.

Light beats darkness, any day of the week!

President Russell Nelson (age 99): “Nothing will help you more to hold fast to the iron rod than worshipping in the temple as regularly as your circumstances permit. Nothing will protect you more as you encounter the world’s mists of darkness. Nothing will bolster your testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Atonement or help you understand God’s magnificent plan more. Nothing will soothe your spirit more during times of pain. Nothing will open the heavens more. Nothing!”