Kirsten & Wade, Eternally Wed Draper, Utah

We are more thankful than usual to be serving in rural Missouri: thank heavens we were able to attend three weddings of granddaughters! This would have been impossible, had we been serving out of the country. Just six of our twenty grandkids are girls, so we consider each one mighty precious. The current three are each returned missionaries who work and attend college. We are so very proud of their diligence — and their excellent choices in whom to marry.

Cousins and siblings enjoyed getting reacquainted. Several future weddings are also anticipated.

The bride and her father surprised us with a samba; the groom and his mother also danced beautifully; and then came the incredible energy of the current style of youth dance, which looked like jumping up and down for an entire hour, to various upbeat tunes. Even our youngest grandchildren found it easy to join this style, with their parents:

We enjoyed meeting Wade’s brothers, mother, uncles, and grandparents. Such a wonderful family! I will post here only a few snapshots of the extended family. Probably the professional photos are even better. It takes real skill to pose such large groups…

Since we spend so many hours driving folks to hospitals and doctors up to an hour away from where we live, it was a fun change of pace to fly out and back to this wedding — and let the pilot do the driving. We continue to make walking a priority. As we walk around neighborhoods, we see so many beautiful birds, butterflies, squirrels, turtles and bugs. My camera is seldom fast enough to catch the critters — but here’s this huge tree, one of many which came down in a recent storm. It blocked the road, until neighbors brought out their chain saws. (Click on the photo to see the uprooted roots. Last, but not least, fabulous flowers I received for a belated Mothers Day. Life is good! Going to the third wedding next week…